A bit frustrating because this should be a road trip because I thought I am confident enough to drive by myself wtf. No lah. The real reason is I want to drive to Kuching so I can go to Sarikin and do a shop-till-drop there. Heard that is the place to buy super cheap stuffs because they are all imitate made in Indonesia HAHAHA.
But then changed plan to an air trip because not enough time. Plus I am worry what if I get lost while driving or what if my tyres flat or whatever negative lah. Pheeww nevermind. I'll go to Kuching again. Next time will drag my whole family HAHAHA.
A friend from twitter told me that their biggest and happening mall in Kuching is The Spring. So I put that as my priority place to go already wtf. And I am thinking of going sightseeing of every interesting places I've read on the net. Priority given to places where I can buy everything wtf.
Well okay. Hopefully this trip will run smoothly.
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