Sunday, October 27, 2013

short hair story

Just finished marking exam papers. Key-ed in data. Great. One task finished. But still cannot relax. A few tasks are still in queue waiting for me *sigh.

This is actually just a random post. And I actually don't have anything specific in my mind on what to blog HAHA. Owh btw, I apologise for not responding to your comments. Frankly, your comments light me up. It is just this forgetful memory. I read, I smiled, planned to reply when I have proper internet, and I forgot wtf. 

Taken on last Eid at kampung
Baju kurung is from brand Ratu, designed by Ezuwan Ismail for FashionValet

It is no secret to the people who followed my instagram. That I am now short haired. And also, I did upload few pics in this blog. Here's the story. I've always a long/medium haired person. And I've been struggling to keep my long hair in good condition before I got married. You know, for the sanggul-rambut-tinggi-tinggi purpose HAHA. After marriage, I felt like having short hair because it is easier for married woman like me to manage I think ehem-if-you-know-what-i-mean. So, there I go. I told the hairstylist to cut my hair a little bit lower than shoulder. Having long hair for a long time and drastically cut the hair below ears, I don't think I can handle that. So, medium length is fine.

To my surprise, I actually loooooooove this new hair length! Much easier to manage. Around 10 minutes to blow dry and styling, I love that. The bad side is I have to go for rebonding since I am actually a natural curly haired person. Curly short hair is not so nice on me I guess -____-" 

I would not promise that I'm gonna keep this length forever. I know someday I will miss long hair again.

Right now, in my mind, I want a vacation. Anywhere.

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